1537news_250301_enThe 41st Haku Un Kai on March 1
1494news_241026_enOkada Sensei Kendo Seminar in Australia
1488news_241005-1_enThe 36th Haku Un Kai on Oct 5
1478news_24091920_enBiwako Barrier-Free Kendo Club practice session and the 35th Haku Un Kai at Butokuden on Sep 19&20
1472news_240908_enThe 34th Haku Un Kai on August 31
1469news_240906_enOn Sep 7th, Okada sensei will compete at the Kendo 8th Dan Tournament
1464news_240830_enMr. Shimizu, a member of the Comprehensive Course, got 6th Dan in Sendai on August 24th.
1461news_240828_enMr. Kubo, a member of the Comprehensive Course, got 6th Dan in Sendai on August 24th.
1459news_240824_enMr. Miyakuni, a member of the Comprehensive Course, got 7th Dan in Sendai on August 24th.
1454news_240811_enThe 34th Haku Un Kai will be on Aug 31
1452news_240728_enThe 33rd Haku Un Kai
1450news_240803_enAug 5th "Kendo: The Spirit of Swordsmanship"on the NHK International Broadcasting site
1445news_240718_enMr. Salet, a member of the Comprehensive Course, got 6th Dan in Italy on July 8th.
1430news_240608-1_enThe 32nd Haku Un Kai on June 8
1418news_240528_enThe 32nd Haku Uu Kai will be held on Saturday, June 8.
1415news_240518-1_enThe 31st Haku Un Kai on May 18
1407news_24042728-1_enGodo Keisho Kai on April 27 & 28
1409news_240512_enMr. Ibuki, a member of the Comprehensive Course, got 7th Dan in Aichi on May 11.
1402news_240501_enMr. Itani, a member of the Comprehensive Course, got 8th Dan in Kyoto on May1st.
1386news_240316_enRegular Lecture & 30th Haku Un Kai
1372news_240218_enMr. T.M, a member of the Comprehensive Course, got 7th Dan in Fukuoka on February 3rd.
1368news_240213_enRegular Lecture & 29th Haku Un Kai
1358news_2401.11_enParticipated in Biwako Barrier-Free Kendo Club practice session at Butokuden on Jan 11
1341news_231209_enThe 27th Haku Un Kai
1316news_231115_enMr. Yoshida, a member of the Comprehensive Course, got 6th Dan in Aichi on November 15th.
1312news_23110405-1_enThe 26th Haku Un Kai (Two-day Seminar with Shodokan)
1304news_231024-2_en2023 Australia Seminar by Okada sensei
1300news_231022_enOnline Free Conversation was held on Oct 22nd, 2023.
1291news_231005_enOctober Regular Lecture Schedule Changed
1289news_230930_enFree Trial will be limited for 3 months starting October 1st 2023.
1285news_230923_enThe 25th Haku Un Kai on Sep 23rd
1272news_230902_enOn Sep 2nd, Okada sensei will compete at the Kendo 8th Dan Tournament
1265news_230819_enThe 24th Haku Un Kai practice session on August 19, 2023 at Shodokan
1259news_230810_enMr. Naito, a member of the Comprehensive Course, got 7th Dan in Niigata on August 5th.
1256news_2307.20-21_enThe 23rd Haku Un Kai was held jointly with the Barrier-Free Kendo Club on July 20th and 21st.
1241news_230610_enThe 22nd Hakuunkai, a practical training session for all members on June 10.
1233news_230611_enBiwako Barrier-Free Kendo Club practice session on July 20 and July 21
1229news_230603_enOn June 3, a regular lecture and practice were held.
1225news_230521report_enPractice Report of The 21st Haku Un Kai
1223news_230521_enWe had a special practice for all the members including free trial members at Yugyo-an on May 21st.
1212news_230512_enAll the registered members are invited for the 21st & the 22nd Haku Un Kai
1209news_230511_enMr. Tsukihara Yuki, a member of the Comprehensive Course, got 7th Dan in Kyoto on April 30th.
1204news_230429_enThe 20th Haku Un Kai in Kashiwa, Chiba on April 29th and 30th
1201news_230427_enSpecial practice was held for 10 Kendo-ka from Chile on April 27th
1193news_230410_enThe short term course, "Kendo Grading Preparation" was held on April 7
1189news_230402_enOkada Sensei participated in "The 63rd Tokyo Kendo Festival"
1182news_230325_enMarch 25th Monthly Haku Un Practice "Learning how to utilize the body"
1179news_230308_enThe April 2023 issue of Kendo Nippon, now on sale, features Okada sensei's training method.
1170news_230304_enMarch 4 Regular Lecture was held on the theme "Cultivate "Ki-gan" (a sense of resourcefulness).
1163news_230218_enFeb 18th Monthly Haku Un Practice at Shodokan Theme of Keishi-cho Kendo Kihon,Hiza-nuki
1155news_230209_enMonthly Regular Lecture of Feburary 4 on the theme of Saimura Goro Sensei: Lessons from Geta, Kendo Soku Seikatsu(Kendo is Life)
1009news_2020518_enOn Thursday 23 June, a practical training session will be held [for Course & Practical Training members (formerly Gold members) only].
1011news_220514_enOn Sunday 29 May, a practical training session will be held [for Course & Practical Training members (formerly Gold members) only].
928news_220329_enOn April 10 (Sun.), Practical Training Session will be held [for Course & Practical Training Members (former Gold Members) only].
834news_211214_enWednesday 29 December, 17:00 - 2021 Online year-end Session will take place.
797news_211107_enOn the 6th and 7th of November, we held a practical training session , a joint event with the Shodo-kan
782news_211029_enOkada-Sensei appears in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' video on Japanese culture, Kendo
784news_211028_enWe have resumed our members-only practical training sessions for the first time in almost a year!
783news_21107_enWe held an online seminar on "Uchikomi Keiko" on 10 October with 45 participants from all over the world.
741news_210907_enWe will be offering free trial live seminar on October 10.
717news_210821_enWe held International Open Online Seminar held on 08 August.
697news_210717_enSupport for Biwako Barrier-Free Kendo Club (Shiga Prefecture) and Implementation of Joint Research Activities
661news_210629_enModerator Okada- Sensei reviewed the first year and gave an interview.
662news_210629-2_enThe French Kendo Federation's official newspaper introduced the activities of the Kendo Innovation Laboratory.
367news_210628_enKendo Innovation Laboratory Web Site Renewal