We have resumed our members-only practical training sessions for the first time in almost a year!

The state of emergency declared by Covid-2019 has been lifted and we have resumed our practical training sessions for the first time in almost a year since 8 November last year.
We followed the guidelines of the All Japan Kenren to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
The practice session lasted about two hours, focusing on tachi-ai practice in preparation for the autumn examination.
At the same time there was a live webcast, and about 10 of us joined in online, including a special Silver member who joined us this time.
We followed the guidelines of the All Japan Kenren to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
The practice session lasted about two hours, focusing on tachi-ai practice in preparation for the autumn examination.
At the same time there was a live webcast, and about 10 of us joined in online, including a special Silver member who joined us this time.
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