March 4 Regular Lecture was held on the theme "Cultivate "Ki-gan" (a sense of resourcefulness).

On Saturday, March 4, we had an online lecture for participants of the Haku Un "Course and Practical Training Session" at Shodokan.
The topic was points to keep in mind in order to cultivate "ki-gan". Okada sensei
explained how to develop a stance to catch the opponent's "Okori" (movement toward striking) and how to use "Kan-no-me" to take the initiative.
After the lecture, the participants practiced the techniques, and it was streamed online.
The topic was points to keep in mind in order to cultivate "ki-gan". Okada sensei
explained how to develop a stance to catch the opponent's "Okori" (movement toward striking) and how to use "Kan-no-me" to take the initiative.
After the lecture, the participants practiced the techniques, and it was streamed online.
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