Special practice was held for 10 Kendo-ka from Chile on April 27th

On April 27th, Miguel sensei and his students from Kendo Conception Dojo in Chile had a special practice at Shodokan. Miguel sensei is currently living in Rossia and he is teaching them online. They seem to be training Kendo hard in Chile. They were so dedicated, serious and eager to learn Kendo, the art from Okada sensei at Shodokan. We appreciate this "Shin-Ken-En" (the new relationship through Kendo). We are also hoping it will be spread more.
Ms. Inayama from Bushido Japan had a live-streaming on TikTok.
Apparently 55,700 people in total were watching during the live-stream.
Only 5% of them were their followers and the rest 95% were visitors.
40,900 people liked it and 462 people commented on it.
Also 184 people shared the post.
This is something.
If you are interested in this kind of special practice from Okada sensei, you can reach us @hakuun.kendoacademy@gmail.com
Ms. Inayama from Bushido Japan had a live-streaming on TikTok.
Apparently 55,700 people in total were watching during the live-stream.
Only 5% of them were their followers and the rest 95% were visitors.
40,900 people liked it and 462 people commented on it.
Also 184 people shared the post.
This is something.
If you are interested in this kind of special practice from Okada sensei, you can reach us @hakuun.kendoacademy@gmail.com
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