
Feb 18th Monthly Haku Un Practice at Shodokan Theme of Keishi-cho Kendo Kihon,Hiza-nuki


Feb 18th Monthly Haku Un Practice at Shodokan Theme of Keishi-cho Kendo Kihon,Hiza-nuki
We had quite a few Haku Un members from outside of Tokyo including a member from Andorra on Feb 18th Monthly Haku Un Practice at Shodokan. We had a very intense practice with a lot of Shodokan members for over three hours.
Okada sensei taught us "Keishi-cho Kendo Kihon" and "Hiza-nuki", then we had Jigeiko. The line-up for Okada sensei was long and the practice went on for over three hours. Thank you for the great practice!