We had a special practice for all the members including free trial members at Yugyo-an on May 21st.

We had a special practice for all the members including free trial members at Yugyo-an on May 21st. Three members from Haku Un, one trial member who came all the way from Shizuoka, Miguel san from Chile and his friend, and us, 11 people in total. We did basics, Tachiai and Jigeiko.
Ms. Inayama from Bushido Japan did livestreaming, and about 100,000 people watched our practice. She will again livestream for the next Haku Un Kai on June 6th.
The lecture video 133 explains what Okada sensei taught us, the members can check it out.
Ms. Inayama from Bushido Japan did livestreaming, and about 100,000 people watched our practice. She will again livestream for the next Haku Un Kai on June 6th.
The lecture video 133 explains what Okada sensei taught us, the members can check it out.
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- オーストラリア剣道セミナー