The April 2023 issue of Kendo Nippon, now on sale, features Okada sensei's training method.

The April 2023 issue of Kendo Nippon, now on sale, features a special article, "Practice Methods for Developing Jiriki". It is introduced as the teaching method of Morimasa Okada Sensei, the third generation headmaster of Shodokan and the president of Haku Un.
In the article, Okada Sensei explains in detail the use of Nippon Kendo Kata and other traditional Shodokan training methods with many photographs.
He is assisted by his son.
The magazine is available at bookstores nationwide, as well as on the official online store website, Amazon, and Rakuten.
The article is also available as a video of the interview.
The feature page on the official Kendo Nippon website is here.
In the article, Okada Sensei explains in detail the use of Nippon Kendo Kata and other traditional Shodokan training methods with many photographs.
He is assisted by his son.
The magazine is available at bookstores nationwide, as well as on the official online store website, Amazon, and Rakuten.
The article is also available as a video of the interview.
The feature page on the official Kendo Nippon website is here.
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